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On the Hill, June 2, 2022


Last Thursday June 2nd there were only two of us, Pat T and Janine R. Of course we had our security guard Chris J. It was another beautiful day. God's making up for all the bad days we had.

The very first lady I talked to was my first turn away. She was there for a check up and I told her that they do abortions in that place and I gave her a bunch of different options. She got back in her car and made some phone calls. Next thing I know she's pulling out of the parking lot waving and smiling at us!

About an hour later a young lady came up to get a bag and talk to me. She said she was pregnant and she was going to have an abortion because she has a newborn at home. She said she just couldn't have another baby right now. I told her we would help anything she needed. I gave her the bag and tried to get her to go to the Women's Care Center. She told me she just wanted to go into Planned Parenthood to see what they said. I told her this child was a gift from God. She told me that she goes to church. She knows abortion is wrong. Despite my best efforts she went in anyway. A short time later she came out and she told me that Planned Parenthood wants too much money and she can't afford that. I told her our services are free. She hugged me and gave me her email address. I have reached out to her twice. I'm not hearing back from her. Please pray for her this is still a volatile situation.

There was a white van that pulled up and on the side of the door it said something about waste management. I spoke to the gentleman and asked him if he was picking up the medical waste. I told him that what Planned Parenthood calls waste is really the bodies of innocent babies. He told me he was only picking up the needles. I let him know they use those to inject the babies and kill them. He told me it was his job. I told him to ask his boss for a different route. I said I wouldn't go in there because that place is evil. He went in anyway with red bins. I hope he thinks about what I said.

Our second shift was Richard and Rosemarie S. We gave out 27 bags and 17 my guides. We were almost done when Dan B showed up and he finished giving out our bags and he stayed an extra hour. He also put all our stuff away for us. It is so nice to help other people. Everyone has a story and we can all use a little help sometime. This ministry is a great blessing to so many.

Thank you, Pat Tuttle



Catholic Diocese of Gary
9292 Broadway
Merrillville, IN 46410

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Office of Pro Life Activities
Fr. Richard Holy 


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